Why are my teeth crooked?

This is not only a dental problem, but to a certain degree can indicate an underlying issue with the bone structure—with the upper or lower jaw (the maxillary and the mandible, respectively).

Other common factors that can create crroked teeth include:

✔︎ Late eruption of permanent teeth.

✔︎ Premature loss of temporary teeth. 

✔︎ Persistence of temporary teeth or the remains of these.

I do not want old-fashioned braces. What other options are there?

Thanks to new advances in technology, your treatment options include ceramic braces (tooth colored), lingual braces (attached behind the teeth) and transparent mouth guards (Invisalign)

Forget about being embarrassed to smile, gain self-confidence.

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that seeks to manage teeth alignment and design corrective treatment for biting problems; it also seeks to guide the eruption of teeth and the proper development of maxillaries. In sum, an orthodontist specializes in creating beautiful smiles! Every day, more and more children and adults are aware of the enormous esthetic and functional benefits that orthodontic treatment provides.

A member of the American Association of Ortodonthics



Graduate from the most prestigious Mexican university, Universidad Nacional de México (UNAM).

  • Member of the Global Orthodontists´ Federation.
  • Speciality in orthodontics and maxilofacial orthopedics from the UNAM.
  • Member of the Mexican Orthodontists´ Academy.


Techniques and technology with maximum esthetics and comfort.

We use invisible techniques and the newest orthodontics technology.


How long should I wear braces?

This depends on each individual case and patient. There are treatments that last less than a year and others that last longer than two years; however, these dental appointments are brief and infrequent.

Are you ready to improve your oral health with us?

Book an appointment with us today and reserve a spot
How much does orthodontic treatment cost?

Taking into consideration the benefits of this type of treatment, the costs are not high. You can also pay little by little over the entire treatment period.  


Benefits of COLD weather

Placing a dental implant is a procedure that is easier in a cool climate than a hot one

Heat can produce inflammation, which slows healing, and can make you, the patient, feel less comfortable in a hotter climate than you would be in a colder one. 

Colonial jewel + agreeable weather

“The most magical of the pueblos mágicos of Mexico”

Almost all year round, the climate is temperate, allowing you to spend pleasant days and nights appreciating the artistic, cultural, and culinary life of what we consider to be the Colonial Jewel of Mexico.

Do you want to solve all your dental issues in a single place?

Everything begins with an intake appointmen

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