What are dental esthetics?
Dental esthetics does not mean having white, bright and allegedly “perfect” teeth; rather, it means arriving at a functional solution that is responsive to the particular smile of every patient, respecting their physical, facial and personal characteristics. 

Dental Procedure US PricesSalud Oral PreferredSAVINGSADA Code
Crowns, Veneers and Single Restorations
Porcelain veneer.1200470-61%D2962
Temporary veneer.77985-89%D2960
100% Porcelain Crown E-Max.1200420-65%D2740
100% Porcelain Crown CAD CAM technology. NCSD1200460-62%D2740
Boost Whitenning both arches732220-70%D9972
Zirconia Crown CAD CAM technology. NCSD1500500-67%D2740
In-lay E-Max. (100% porcelain).1141265-77%D2630
On-lay E-Max. (100% porcelain).1236280-77%D2644

Dental Veneers

The solution to badly-positioned teeth, stains and deformed or outsized teeth through dental veneers is an excellent and fast alternative for our patients. 


The number ONE option

Doctor José Bermúdez studied in Spain, at the University of Barcelona and at the International University of Cataluña. Spain is one of the European countries with the highest number of dental implants. Doctor Pepe finished his studies in Einsiedeln, Switzerland.



More than 17 years of experience.

Even when fitting dental implants seemed to be a science fiction procedure, and there was no speciality in dental implants anywhere in the country, Dr. José Bermúdez was already fitting dental implants in Chiapas, Mexico.


Can I have an accurate sense of what the expected outcome of my esthetic treatment will be, before said treatment has begun?
Of course! Through a diagnostic study—based upon X-rays, photographs, model studies and a diagnostic wax-up—our patients can visualize the final result of their treatment, even before a dentist has handled a single one of their teeth.  

Are you ready to improve your oral health with us?

Book an appointment with us today and reserve a spot
What are the esthetic treatments that produce the best results?
With today’s materials and technology, practically every kind of treatment offesr highly esthetic results. However, the most common treatments are procedures involving dental veneers,  pure porcelain crowns, tooth whitening, dental implants and orthodontics.

Benefits of COLD weather

Benefits of COLD weather

Placing a dental implant is a procedure that is easier in a cool climate than a hot one

Heat can produce inflammation, which slows healing, and can make you, the patient, feel less comfortable in a hotter climate than you would be in a colder one. 

Colonial jewel + agreeable weather

“The most magical of the pueblos mágicos of Mexico”

Almost all year round, the climate is temperate, allowing you to spend pleasant days and nights appreciating the artistic, cultural, and culinary life of what we consider to be the Colonial Jewel of Mexico.

Do you want to solve all your dental issues in a single place?

Everything begins with an intake appointment

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