Dra. Adriana Blanco Especialista en Periodoncia

"Trained in Basque Country, Spain."

Biotechnological Institute Eduardo Anitua in Vitoria Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain.


Perfect Balance between Teaching and Clinical Experience.

Perfect balance between teaching and clinical experience.

Dr. Blanco trains new generations of dentists. Her pedagogy has allowed her to enrich her own practice, supplementing her theoretical knowledge and a rich clinical experience.



C.V. Adriana María Blanco Rincón

-Graduated as a specialist in periodontology from the Post-graduate and investigation department of the Orthodontics faculty of the Yucatán Autonomous University.

- Surgery graduate from Odontology School of the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (UNICACH).

- Diploma in oral surgery from the UNICACH.

Adriana María Blanco Rincón was born in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. On graduating from her bachelor program, she started working with a maxilofacial surgeon and a periodontics specialist, through which she discovered her passion for dental surgery, but above all, for periodontics. She therefore transferred to the beautiful city of Merida in the Yucatán to study her post graduate degree in the Autonomous University of the Yucatán.